Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Finish Line of Thoughts

Sun up
Lids open
Covers removed
My thoughts start racing
I think one cheated
Steroids I presume
First place: the thought of concern
For I overslept my class

Stole second
Resulting in
1 and 1/2 Poptarts
And a steak and cheese Hot Pocket

Tripped rememberance
And completed the race
Rendering me helpless
To attend my second class

Wearing a onesie
And carrying a duck
Which might
Or might not

Have been stolen
Stupidity dove across the finish line
Provoking me to pour
Syrup into my mug
And milk onto my
Waffles that I am currently attempting to eat


Drake Brookfield said...

you must have come up with that yesterday morning when you knew that I couldn't eat anything all day :)

The Jake said...

Bring it duder, I like your style, that was cash money.

Anonymous said...

other than the onesie...this all seems too familiar :/ many a breakfast has been sabotaged by stupidity.